
Since 2006 this center has been working as a nongovernmental apolitical organization whose aim is to provide supportive service for patients who suffer from spinal cord injuries as a result of the accident
The name of this organization is “Esfahan supportive association for patients to spinal cord injured. Regarding the instruction and standards of Esfahan provincial government this center has been working as a charity through modifying its statute from 2020.
This charity center has changed its activities in 2020 work a new approach under the abbreviation of “HANA”.
Up to 2019, HANA has supported are 1000 help seekers. Given it’s experienced team and compassionate founders , who themselves are spinal cord patient and know the difficulties of such patients the organization has always attempted to provide services in education ,productivity ,rehabilitation , emprovement , etc, to upgrade the life quality of this patients and offer them hope and happiness.

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